IRP 5 Codes


Normal Income Codes

3601 Income (taxable) i.e. salaries and wages (taxable), overtime (taxable)
3602 Income (non-taxable) i.e. pension payments (non-taxable), arbitration award (non-taxable)
3603 Pension payments (taxable)
3605 Annual payments (taxable) i.e. annual bonus, incentive bonus etc.
3606 Commission
3607 Overtime (taxable)
3608 Arbitration Award (taxable)
3610 RAF annuity (taxable)
3611 Purchased annuity (taxable)
3613 Restraint of Trade (taxable)
3614 Other Retirement Lump Sums (taxable)
3616 Independent Contractors (taxable)
3617 Labour Brokers (PAYE/IT)
3619 Labour Brokers with Exemption Certificate (IT)
3620 Directors Fees – resident Non-Executive Director – voluntary PAYE withholding
3621 Directors Fees – Non-resident Non-Executive Director

Allowance Codes

3701 Travel Allowance (taxable)
3702 Reimbursive Travel Allowance (taxable: amount up to the prescribed limit /km that has not been exceeded
3703 Reimbursive Travel Allowance (non-taxable)
3704 Subsistence Allowance – Local Travel (taxable)
3707 Share Options Exercised (taxable)
3708 Public Office Allowance (taxable)
3713 Other Allowances (taxable) i.e., Entertainment Allowance (taxable), Tool Allowance (taxable), Computer Allowance (taxable), Telephone/Cell Phone Allowance (taxable)
3714 Other Allowances (non-taxable) i.e., Subsistence Allowance – Local Travel (nontaxable) Uniform Allowance (non-taxable), Subsistence Allowance – Foreign Travel (non-taxable), Relocation allowance (non-taxable)
3715 Subsistence Allowance – Foreign Travel (taxable)
3717 Broad-based Employee Share Plan (taxable)
3718 Vesting of equity instruments (taxable)
3719 Dividends not exempt i.t.o para (dd) of the proviso to s10(1)(k)(i)
3720 Dividends not exempt i.t.o. par (ii) of the proviso to s10(1)(k)(i) dividends
3721 Dividends not exempt i.t.o. par (jj) of the proviso to s 10(1)(k)(i) dividends
3722 Reimbursive Travel Allowance (taxable: amount only to the extent prescribed limit/km has been exceeded)
3723 Dividends not exempt i.t.o. par (kk) of the proviso to s 10(1)(k)(i) dividends

Fringe Benefit Codes

3801 General Fringe Benefit (taxable) i.e., Right of Use of Asset other than motor vehicle (taxable), acquisition of asset at less than actual value (taxable), Meals, refreshments and meal and refreshment Vouchers (taxable), Low interest or interest free loans or loan subsidies (taxable)
3802 Right of Use of Motor Vehicle (taxable)
3805 Accommodation (taxable) i.e. free or cheap residential or holiday accommodation (taxable)
3806 Services (taxable) i.e. free or cheap services
3808 Employee’s debt (taxable)
3809 Bursaries or scholarships (taxable)
3810 Medical Aid contributions (taxable)
3813 Medical services cost (taxable)
3815 Bursaries and scholarships (non-taxable)
3816 Use of motor vehicle acquired by employersvia “Operating Lease” (taxable)
3817 Taxable benefit i.r.o. Pension Fund Employer Contribution
3820 Taxable Bursaries or Scholarships – Further Education
3821 Non-Taxable Bursaries or Scholarships – Further Education
3822 Non-taxable Acquisition of Immovable Property
3825 Taxable Benefit i.r.o. Provident Fund Employer Contribution
3828 Taxable Benefit i.r.o. Retirement Annuity Employer Contribution
3829 Taxable Bursaries or Scholarships to a disabled person – Basic Education
3830 Non-taxable Bursaries or Scholarships to a disabled person – Basic Education
3831 Taxable Bursaries or Scholarships to a disabled person – Further Education
3832 Non-taxable Bursaries or Scholarships to a disabled person – Further Education
3833 Benefit Bargaining Council Employer Contribution (taxable)
3834 Non-taxable Benefit – Loan to purchase Immovable Residential Property

Lump Sum Codes

Gross Remuneration Codes

3696 Gross Non-Taxable Income
3699 Gross Taxable Employment Income

Employee’s Tax Deduction and Reason Codes

4102 PAYE
4115 Tax on Retirement Lump Sum and Severance benefits
4116 Medical Scheme Fees Tax Credit taken into account by the employer for PAYE purposes
4118 Employment Tax Incentive
4120 Additional medical expense credit allowed for employee older than 65
4141 UIF contribution
4142 SDL contribution
4149 Total Tax, SDL and UIF (excluding the value of 4116 Medical Scheme Fees Tax Credit taken into account by the employer for PAYE purposes).
4150 02- Earn Less than the Tax Threshold
03- Independent Contractor
04- Non Taxable Earnings (including nil directive)
05- Exempt Foreign Employment Income
06- Director’s Remuneration – Income Determined in the following Tax Year
07- Labour Broker with IRP30
08- No Tax to be withheld due to Medical Scheme Fees Tax Credit allowed
09- Par 11A(5) Fourth Schedule notification – No withholding possible

Deduction Codes

4001 Current Pension Fund Contributions
4003 Current Provident Fund Contributions, Arrear Provident Fund Contributions
4005 Medical Aid Contributions
4006 Current Retirement Annuity Fund Contributions
4007 Arrear (re-instated) Retirement Annuity Fund Contributions (not applicable from 2017 year of assessment)
4024 Medical services costs deemed to be paid by the employee in respect of himself/herself, spouse or child
4030 Donations deducted from the employee’s remuneration and paid by the employer
4472 Employer’s Pension Fund Contributions
4473 Employer’s Provident Fund Contributions
4474 Employer’s medical scheme contributions in respect of employees not included in code 4493
4475 Employer’s Retirement Annuity Contributions
4493 Employer’s Medical Aid Contributions i.r.o Retired Employees
4497 Total Deductions/Contributions
4582 Remuneration inclusion used in section 11(k) deduction (specific codes included)
4583 Remuneration portion of travel allowance, motor vehicle fringe benefit and Reimbursive Travel Allowance
4585 Employer’s pension fund contributions retired employees qualify for “no value” fringe benefit
4586 Employer’s provided fund contributions retired employees qualify for “no value” fringe benefit

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